вівторок, 8 листопада 2011 р.

Top 10 Most Annoying Co-Workers

Your pain can be felt by any individual, if you work in an office and your co-workers are annoying. Sometimes the colleagues in the office make it so easy to achieve your office goals and sometimes this diversity can make the environment awful and agonizing. We have categorized The most terrible and irritating office workers into Top 10 classes. These most annoying workers are listed in reverse order of their irritating nature.

10. The Wanderer:loiterer

Some office workers just aimlessly walk in your cabin without any agenda, plan or chat/talk 3 to 4 times a day. They just wander in your cabin and when you ask them what’s up. They reply in a very pleasant way that he or she is just watching what you are doing, and after that they just leave the cabin.

9. 9 to 5 Eaters:9 to 5 eaters

These are the colleague who eats in all office hours and also produce constant sound of crushing is coming from their mouth, fruits, candies, cakes, snakes and what not. Try to avoid passing by near their desk. If the bin under their desk is not properly washed, these workers can also sometimes be recognized by the odor which often comes from the rotten food items present in their bin.

8. The Toy Collector:toys

Some office workers don’t want to come out of their childhood. You can see different kinds of toys on their desk which give the impression of daycare center. They are also very possessive of these items and often mark their desks with the sign board of “don’t touch me”.

7. The Singers:singing

Some colleges sing complete songs of all singers whether the song or singer is their favorite or not. They will sing it to let you know the complete lyrics of the song. I think they do this to improve their voice quality.

6. The Cheater:

Some coworkers work as parasite on your abilities. They copy your ideas pose it as their own just to keep their salary statement higher than you. They even copy your style and even the design of your clothes.

5. The Touch Addict:Constantly harassed

There are some coworkers that don’t rely on the information provided unless they touch the informer or give him a slight push with their arm or shoulder. Most of the time they whisper with sweet voice in your ear which cause slight tremor in your body shiver.

4. Thunderous Telephone Talker (T3):loud

The T3 colleagues will share their each chat with you while talking to someone else on the phone. You ought to know about their baby talk with their wife or girlfriend, their weekend plans. You have to hear all about their bank statements and about their bonuses which they announce especially on speaker phones.

3. The Smelly Guy:smelly-g

Some guys in the office can be identified by their unique and offensive smell. You must be tired of gifting them with perfumes and colognes but they stay with it.

2. Chitchat colleagues:gossip

They just take care about the affairs in the office whether true or not. They are always filled with news about their coworkers to share with. These talks are just rumors and if true yet don’t try to get involved in this.

1. Big Boss:boss

By default, Bosses are always right. Sometime they pose to be right and sometimes they induce you to believe they are right. In combine projects, one has to present the project in front of the boss but who will dare to ring the bell. Better is this that you should say the right thing at right time to pose the right impact. Never try to be too smart or too idle in front of your Boss.
Взято звідси

четвер, 3 листопада 2011 р.

Lviv Quality Assurance Group

Сьогодні з приємністю дізнався, що у Львові динамічно розвивається QA спільнота
Після недавньо анонсованої  Lviv Testers  появилась ще одна спілка  створена моїми колишніми співробітниками та добрими знайомими
Ось коротке оголошення від організаторів

Quality Assurance Group проводить Семінари та Майстер-класи по наступних темах:


  • Про Тестування.
  • Життєвий цикл Розробки ПЗ.
  • Процес Тестування.
  • Види Тестування.
  • Тестова Документація.
  • Методи Дизайну Тестів.
  • Введення в Тестування Баз Даних.
  • Введення в Автоматизоване Тестування.
  • Введення в Тестування Вбудованого ПЗ.

Майстер класи:

  • Тестування Веб Аплікацій.
  • Планування Тестування.
  • Написання Тестової Документації.
  • Описування Багів.
  • Прослідковування Багів.
  • Звітування.

Детальніше на http://www.qagroup.com.ua/QA_seminars.php# 

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